Friday, October 20, 2017

Social Media Is Corroding Our Democracy

On October 18, 2017, Chayenne Polimedio from Washington Monthly  published article titled Social Media Is Corroding Our Democracy  . The audience that the author is reaching out to is social media users. The world of social media has taken over globally and the word about anything can go viral in a matter of seconds. Donald trump and social media easily combine  as the president is always tweeting about every little thing that is wrong with our nation and what he will do to help us and fix it. I agree that that social media is somewhat controlling the government because people easily influence so many minds just by posting or tweeting what they have on there mind and people believe it and which just changes the course of everything. The nation has to worry about fake news as people try to post so many negative posts about the government so people can act on it and change the government more. This years election was based a lot on social media as people made so many funny post about Donald Trump and try to ruin the election so he wont become president but you also have the trump supports that will fight back on the internet and make post about Hillary Clinton. So pretty much there is a small war on the internet about how this country should be running. The people of the internet are controlling the government one step at a time.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Gun Silencers

On Friday, October 6, 2017, Nick Wing from HuffPost published an article titled Almost Nobody Wants To Loosen Regulations On Gun Silencers. Not Even Gun Owners. The audience that the author is reaching out to is gun owners. "For more than 80 years , silencers, also called suppressors, that have been under the National Firearms Act." To own equipment covered under that law, buyers or user must first pay a $200 transfer fee, and also submit fingerprints and pass a federal background check a process that can take up to a year to complete. A legislation that pending  in Congress would remove silencers from the National Firearms Act, allowing people to obtain and buy easily.
Just 18 percent of Americans favor changing the law to let people buy gun silencers more quickly and without paying a fee, while 68 percent are against, according to the survey. Under the  regulations or laws , suppressors are never used or rarely used in criminal activity. People against silencers have raised concerns that making the weapons instrument more available would lead to their greater use by criminals. The Author is against having the suppressors so easily obtain and want to make the law more hard to obtain the weapon. While reading this article my prospective over gun silencers falls with the author to make it harder to own such a instrument for a weapon. Falling the incident of Las Vegas, I say if someone like this would of owned a silencer during the massacre  a lot more people would of gotten killed  because no one would of know his location and where about. So we have to make this law strict to prevent these kind of incident and making the crime rate go high, Criminals  would have the upper hand leaving no trace on the person they killed and we would have no lead. The silence of silencers should be brought up and made more strict and only fall in the right hands.